We do get seasons in North Carolina. Sometimes they are short (fall and spring), and the winters are usually mild. Snow is not often seen here, or at least not snow like I’m used to seeing in Michigan.
I recall when we first moved to North Carolina I asked our neighbor how the winters were and if we got snow. “Oh yeah, we sometimes get snow. If we get more than an inch, the city shuts down.” To be fair, I thought he was pulling my leg on that one. Then we got our first snow warning and the grocery stores were cleaned out of milk, bread, and eggs.
Anyway – this is a few years after we moved to North Carolina. We got an unusually heavy snow for this area so the kids took the opportunity to have some fun since everything was shut down for a few days!
I haven’t figured out how to post video into here yet, so here is a video of Ben riding on the sled with me. Yoohoo!